

Tomita jinja

15839 Tomita, Naka-Miina, Minowa Town, Kamiina District


A shrine located in the Tomita area on the western mountainous side of Minowa Town.
The shrine grounds are on a slope overlooking the Southern Alps, surrounded by a thick forest.

The plaque on the entrance's Ryobu Torii gate lists "Zao Gongen, Wakamiya Hachimangu, Suwa Daimyojin," which were enshrined together in 1818.
The worship hall has a Karahafu gabled roof.
Behind it, there is the main hall covered by a shelter, and to the side, there are the sacred couple cedar trees.



The main hall, built in 1818, is a three-bay Nagare-zukuri style.
Crafted by Oguchi Naoshiro of the Tachikawa school, it features large, wide, curved ebi-nokyo beams and leaf-patterned head beams reflecting the late Edo period style.

Oguchi Naoshiro was known for his carvings of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, plovers, cranes, chrysanthemums, and peonies, which are also seen on this main hall's gable decorations and side panels, continuing the tradition of the second generation Washiro Tomimasa.

Location15839 Tomita, Naka-Miina, Minowa Town, Kamiina District
Main HallTown-designated Cultural Property
Bunsei 1 (1818)
CarpenterOguchi Naoshiro
Architectural StyleThree-bay Nagare-zukuri, Shingle Roof
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