

Hakusan jinja

5194 Nakaminowa, Minowa Town, Kamiina District


This shrine is located on a slope on the western side of Minowa Town, offering views of the Southern Alps.
Surrounded by trees extending from the mountain base, the atmosphere is very peaceful.
At the entrance, at the end of a steep slope along the approach, stands a wooden Ryobu torii gate, with the shrine building situated beyond a stone staircase.

The worship hall (haiden) is an irimoya-style structure with a flat entrance.
The main hall (honden) is stored within a protective structure behind the haiden.



The main hall of Hakusan Shrine is unusual for Minowa Town, featuring a three-bay irimoya-style structure.
The front entrance features both a noki-karahafu and a chidori-hafu.
The carvings emphasize plant motifs, with cranes and peonies on the noki-karahafu, lions on the supporting beams, and peonies on the side panels. The carvings are shallow and large, a style shared with craftsmen in the Kamiina region.

Location5194 Nakaminowa, Minowa Town, Kamiina District
Main HallTown-designated Cultural Property
Tenmei 1 (1781)
CarpentersJusaburo Ariga, Shigefusa Ariga
Architectural StyleThree-bay Irimoya-style
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