

Iwashimizu hachimangu

30 Yawata Takabo, Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture


One of Japan's three major Hachiman shrines, said to be the second most important shrine after Ise Jingu.
It is considered a guardian shrine of Kyoto, protecting the city's rear demon gate as one of the top seven shrines of the Twenty-Two Shrines.
Established in 860, when six treasure halls were built at the summit of Mount Otokoyama.
On the mountainside, there is a cold spring known as "Iwashimizu," and before the main shrine was established, it is said there was a mountain temple called Iwashimizudera, founded by Gyoki.


Since its establishment, it has been particularly revered by the Minamoto clan.
Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, who possessed the sacred flag known as the Takeda clan's treasure, prayed for the prosperity of his family crest, and his son, Yoshie, called himself "Hachiman Taro," showing deep reverence.

Passing through the stone Myojin torii, a long approach lined with stone lanterns leads to the southern main gate.



Inside the main gate and the surrounding fence, large shrine buildings continue with a tower gate, a dance hall, a worship hall, and a main hall.
This old national treasure, which has undergone six reconstructions and 17 repairs, is now designated as an important cultural property by the country.
The main hall, known as Hachiman-zukuri, features two structures placed front and back, donated by Oda Nobunaga in 1580, with a "Golden Pipe." The corridor surrounding the main hall extends to a total length of 180 meters.
The tower gate, dance hall, and worship hall are all vividly decorated and painted with vermilion lacquer.


Around the shrine grounds, there are several subsidiary shrines, including the Wakamiya Shrine, which is particularly large.
Wakamiya Shrine enshrines Emperor Nintoku as the guardian deity of men, and the Wakamiya-dono Shrine enshrines the daughters of Emperor Ojin as the guardian deities of women.
Both are built in the gabled roof style and are designated important cultural properties.

Location30 Yawata Takabo, Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture
DeitiesEmperor Ojin, Hime Okami, Empress Jingu
Important Cultural PropertiesMain Hall and Outer Hall
Including: Takeuchi Shrine Main Hall, Mizugaki
Worship Hall and Dance Hall
Tower Gate
East Gate
West Gate
Corridors (between Tower Gate and East Gate)
Corridors (between Tower Gate and West Gate)
Rear Corridors
Wakamiya Shrine Main Hall
Wakamiya-dono Shrine Main Hall
Suijinja Main Hall
Sumiyoshi Shrine Main Hall
East Main Gate
West Main Gate
North Main Gate
Kario Shrine Main Hall

Iwashimizu hachimangu Recommend

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