

Asama jinja

1684 Ichinomiya, Ichinomiya Town, Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture


This shrine is the Ichinomiya (highest ranked shrine) of Kai Province, located in Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture.
It is also known as "Ichinomiya Asama Shrine" due to its status as the Ichinomiya among other Asama shrines across Japan.

The shrine was originally enshrined at the foot of Mount Kamiyama, where Yamamiyashiro Shrine is now located, but it was relocated to its current location in 865 AD.

On the south side of the shrine grounds, a large stone torii gate stands at the entrance, and the Zuishinmon gate is placed there.
Upon entering the shrine grounds, a sacred forest is found on the right, while the shrine office and offering hall are located on the left, with the Kagura hall directly in front.




The worship hall (haiden) faces east and is built in the irimoya-zukuri style.
The front facade has seven bays, with a karahafu (curved gable) attached, and the gable sides are three bays wide.
The structure, built in 1672, is designated as a cultural property by Fuefuki City.



Behind the worship hall stands the main hall (honden).
The main hall is built in the irimoya-zukuri style, with three bays wide and two bays deep, and it is surrounded by a double-layered sacred fence (mizugaki).
The worship hall and main hall are connected by the heiden (offering hall).

Within the shrine grounds, there are additional elements such as Fuji stones, success stones, and several subsidiary and associated shrines. On the southern side, there is also a pair of plum trees known as the "Meoto Ume" (married couple plum trees).

Location1684 Ichinomiya, Ichinomiya Town, Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Main HallThree-bay wide, two-bay deep, irimoya-zukuri style, copper roof
Worship HallDesignated as a town tangible cultural property
Built in Kanbun 12 (1672)
Architectural StyleIrimoya-zukuri with karahafu gable, copper roof

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