

Tsubaki ookamiyashiro

1871 Yamatomachi, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture


Tsugami Shrine, the Ichinomiya of Ise Province, is located in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, and enshrines Sarutahiko Okami.
The name "Tsubaki" (Camellia) in the shrine's name comes from the abundance of camellia trees in the vicinity.

Near the Suzuka IC, a large red Shinto torii gate spans the road, leading to the Tsubaki Okami Yashiro.
The shrine is surrounded by a dense forest of tall trees.


A Shinmei torii gate stands at the entrance, with the Ofune Iwakura (boat rock seat) located deep in the left side of the approach.
This rock is said to be where Sarutahiko Okami tied his boat when he brought the heavenly deities to Earth during the Tenson Korin (Descent of the Heavenly Grandchild).
The rock, associated with the Tenson Korin, is also called "Amagoi Ishi" (heaven descending stone).


As you proceed past the Ofune Iwakura, there is a single Myojin torii gate along the way.
This torii gate is called the "Torii of Rejection".
During the Edo period, the Honda clan, who were the lords of this area, cut down sacred trees to build castle gates, which burned down in a single night.
In fear, they dedicated this torii gate.



The shrine buildings have a gabled roof structure with chigi and katsuogi decorations on the ridge.
In addition to Sarutahiko Okami, a total of 32 deities are enshrined.

Behind the shrine stands Mt. Tsubakiga, which is 450 meters high and has the character "椿" (Tsubaki) in its name.
Further beyond is Mt. Nyudogatake, which has many Iwakura rocks and is considered a site of Shugendo (mountain asceticism) and mountain worship.
It is said that in the 27th year of Emperor Suinin's reign, the deity Yamatohime no Mikoto received a divine message and established the shrine near the tomb of Sarutahiko Okami as the "Shrine of the Way-Separating Deity".
Considered one of Japan's oldest shrines, it primarily enshrines Sarutahiko Okami.
This shrine is regarded as the head shrine for all Sarutahiko shrines, also known as Sarutahiko Daijingu.
The shrine also enshrines Ninigi no Mikoto, his mother Takuhatachiji-hime no Mikoto, and Gyoman Daigongen in the associated shrine.
At the separate Tsubakikishi Shrine, Ame no Uzume no Mikoto, the wife of Sarutahiko Okami, is enshrined.

Gyoman Daigongen is said to be the founder of Shugendo Shinto and a descendant of Sarutahiko Okami, who guided En no Gyoja.
In the medieval period, this area became a center for Shugendo Shinto.


Next to the main shrine stands Tsubakikishi Shrine.
Also known as Betsugu Ame no Uzume no Mikoto Hongu, it enshrines Ame no Uzume no Mikoto, known for her role in the myth of the heavenly rock cave and for accompanying the heavenly grandchild during his descent.
She is worshipped as the deity of marital harmony and the ancestor of performing arts.

Location1871 Yamatomachi, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture
Enshrined DeitySarutahiko Okami
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