

Omiwa jinja

1422 Miwa, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture


Omiwa Shrine, also known as Miwa Myojin or Miwa Shrine, is considered the oldest shrine in Japan.
It is said to have existed before the establishment of the Yamato court, and its origins are recorded in the Nihon Shoki, making it one of the oldest shrines.
The sacred object of worship is Mount Miwa, which towers behind the shrine.
The shrine follows the primitive Shinto style and does not have a main hall.




Separate from the first torii gate, the large torii stands over 30 meters tall, and the second torii is located about 2 kilometers further along.
The second torii is at the beginning of the slope of Mount Miwa, and as you ascend the deeply forested approach, you will find a subsidiary shrine on the left.
Beyond the temizuya (purification fountain), stone steps continue.
Two pillars stand on either side, and passing through the shimenawa (sacred rope) strung between them, you reach the front of the worship hall.



The worship hall, an Important Cultural Property, was built in 1664.
Behind the worship hall stands the Mitsu-torii, also designated as an Important Cultural Property, but it cannot be seen due to its position and the dense forest.
There are ten subsidiary and auxiliary shrines in the vicinity, with worshippers coming and going.

Location1422 Miwa, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
DeitiesOmononushi no Okami, Okuninushi no Kami, Sukunahikona no Kami
Worship HallImportant Cultural Property
Kanbun 4 (1664)

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