

Kamiimai suwasya

2685 Kamiimai, Nakano City


The Suwa Shrine in Kamiimai, designated as a cultural property of Nakano City, is situated in a quiet village by the Chikuma River surrounded by fruit orchards.
Located near the JR Iiyama Line station, the roads are narrow, with limited parking space near the torii gate.
A 50-meter path leads from the wooden Myojin torii to the shrine building.




Within the spacious grounds, to the right of the worship hall, stands a large gabled building.
The main hall is housed within a protective structure extending from the worship hall.



The main hall, rebuilt in 1747 during the mid-Edo period, is an Ichimonsha nagare-zukuri style.
The two guardian statues on either side are unique, with the left on horseback and the right on a deer.
The wooden carvings include a Karajishi (lion) on the front, an elephant's nose on the sides, and a tiger on the frog-leg beams.

Location2685 Kamiimai, Nakano City
DeityTatenamikatomi no Mikoto
Main HallCity-designated cultural property
Rebuilt in 1747 (Enkyo 4)
Architectural StyleIchimonsha nagare-zukuri, Shingle Roof
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