

Yamaga jinja okumiya

Summit of Mount Azumaya


Located at the summit of Mount Azumaya, a mountain listed among Japan's 100 Famous Mountains and situated on the border between Nagano and Gunma Prefectures.
Mount Azumaya has two peaks, each with its own shrine, both serving as the inner shrine (Okumiya) of the Yamagami Shrine.
The shrine on the southern peak, facing east, is called Jōshū Shrine, while the shrine on the northern peak, facing south, is known as Shinshū Shrine.
The outer shrine (Satomiya) is Yamagami Shrine in Sanada, Ueda City.
The shrine's origins date back to around 714 CE when a Shugenja monk named Jōjō brought the deity from Mount Hakusan and enshrined Mount Azumaya as the sacred object of worship.



LocationSummit of Mount Azumaya
Nagano Prefecture (Ueda City, Suzaka City)
Gunma Prefecture (Tsumagoi Village)
specialized website dedicated to shrine architecture in Nagano Prefecture.
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