

Omiya suwa jinja

3015 Iriwasa, Saku City


Located on the eastern side of Saku City, the Omiya Suwa Shrine stands in the village of Iriwasa, surrounded by houses along a river flowing through the mountains.
At the entrance, a large wooden ryobu torii gate stands, marking the beginning of the shrine grounds enveloped by trees.
The path to the shrine is lined with three sets of torii gates and lanterns, guiding visitors along the approach.



The shrine complex consists of the main hall (honden) and a surrounding structure that includes the worship hall (haiden).
The main hall, built in 1759, measures about 2.4 meters across.
It features the two-bay nagare-zukuri style, with wooden steps leading up to it and guardian deities placed on either side.
The front pillars of the gabled entrance are adorned with carved elephant and tapir motifs, and the rainbow beam (kōryō) is subtly decorated with carvings.
Although there are records of roof inscriptions from Kanbun 6 (1666) and Hōreki 9 (1759), the architectural style suggests the latter date.

Location3015 Iriwasa, Saku City
Main HallHōreki 9 (1759) - Roof inscription
Architectural StyleTwo-bay nagare-zukuri, cypress bark roof

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