

Shingai jinja

Hinata, Minamiaiki Village, Minamisaku District


Shinkai Shrine is situated on a slope overlooking the settlement of the Hinata area, located on the west side of Minamiaiki Village.
At the entrance to the open shrine grounds stands a torii gate with a plaque reading "Shinkai Sansha Shrine.".
This village shrine of Minamiaiki Village is a branch of the Shinkai Sansha Shrine in Saku City, and although there are no clear records, the deity enshrined here is believed to be Kōhakimiko-no-Mikoto.


The shrine building is located about 3 meters above the spacious grounds where the torii gate stands.
The worship hall, which also serves as a roofed structure, houses the main hall built in 1811.
The front side of the worship hall has walls, but the part serving as a roofed structure has no walls, only columns and beams.




The main hall is elaborately decorated with carvings and colored embellishments.
The brackets feature dragon carvings, and the biwa plates, two-tiered support rings, and roof boards are all adorned with carvings. The side panels also feature carvings of pine trees and hawks.
The rainbow beams are carved with dragons, and the transom above the side doors is carved with bamboo motifs.
The structural members such as the columns are made of plain wood, but the carvings are richly colored.
The carving techniques resemble those of the Osumi school, and among the highly decorated shrines of southern Saku region from the late Edo period, this shrine is considered to be particularly elaborate.

LocationHinata, Minamiaiki Village, Minamisaku District
Main HallCultural 8 (1811) Shrine Tradition
Architectural StyleThree-bay nagare-zukuri, Shingled Roof
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