

Honma jyunisya

Honma, Chiyosato, Koumi Town, Minamisaku District


Located at the base of a terrace cliff in the Honmashita settlement.
It is said to have been enshrined in 1627.
It is a very small shrine, with a metal torii gate at the entrance and an okiya (covering structure) housing the main shrine building directly in front.


Since there are no shrine buildings such as a worship hall or kaguraden, the shrine site is very simple.
The okiya is also a simple gabled structure with the upper part of the walls not covered with boards, and shimenawa (sacred rope) tied to the pillar above the entrance.


The front left and right sides are surrounded by a veranda without railings, with carved side screens.
The shrine is heavily adorned with carvings overall, with high-relief carvings of waves and plovers on the rainbow beams of the forward gables, and round carvings of dragons on the shrimp-shaped rainbow beams.
On the north wall, a high-relief carving depicts a crane standing on a cloud-covered rock, with a hawk on the side screen gazing back, creating a three-dimensional and impressive scene.


本間十二社 The carvings on the south wall and side screens are heavily damaged.
The dougong brackets and braces supporting the forward gable pillars are small but well-formed.

LocationHonma, Chiyosato, Koumi Town, Minamisaku District
DeitiesAme-no-Minakanushi-no-Kami, Tenjin Seven Deities, Chijigami Five Generations
Main ShrineTown Designated Cultural Property
Kyowa 1 (1801) Plaque
CarpenterShimizu Sobei Yoshinari
Architectural StyleSingle-bay nagare-zukuri, cypress bark roofing
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