

Kisaragi jinja

2310 Suga, Kiso Village, Kiso District


A rare shrine with the name "Kisarazu," used as a synonym for "Kisaragi" (the old name for February).
It is built at the confluence of the Miyazawa River and the Suga River, though the origin of its name is unknown.




In addition to the main shrine dedicated to Kisarazuo Daimyojin, the shrine complex includes Hachiman Shrine and Ujigami Shrine, both built to the left and right of the main shrine.
Established in the late Edo period, all three shrines feature the one-bay nagare-zukuri style.
The main shrine of Kisarazuo Shrine has a karahafu gable, with carvings of pine trees above the rainbow beam of the forward extension and phoenixes on the biwa board.
Compared to the ornate decorations on the front, the side gable decorations are relatively simple.
It is believed that craftsmen influenced by the Tachikawa-ryu school of architecture built these structures in the late Edo period.

Location2310 Suga, Kiso Village, Kiso District, Nagano Prefecture
Main Shrine (Kisarazuo Shrine)Village Designated Cultural Property
Late Edo Period
Architectural StyleOne-Bay Nagare-Zukuri, Cypress Bark Roof
Ujigami ShrineVillage Designated Cultural Property
Late Edo Period
Architectural StyleOne-Bay Nagare-Zukuri, Cypress Bark Roof
Hachiman ShrineVillage Designated Cultural Property
Mid-Edo Period
Architectural StyleOne-Bay Nagare-Zukuri, Cypress Bark Roof
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